We Are...Followers

We Are...Followers

January 12, 2020 | David McQueen

Passage: Matthew 16:24-25

Jesus calls for followers, not fans. (Matthew 16:24-25). It's pretty easy, especially in America, to call yourself a fan of something. Being a fan, however, is very different from participating in or experiencing whatever we are fans of. God has called us to jump in and actively participate in the walk of faith. He wants us to be a follower, not a fan. Being a follower brings us life. Fortunately for us, God wants everyone on the team. Our past isn’t too much for Jesus to forgive. The catch is, we must choose to become a follower. God won’t make the choice for us or force our hand. We must choose to pursue a relationship and be all in. Deciding to follow Jesus won’t instantly make us the perfect followers, but choosing Him everyday will bring incredible transformation and experiences. Our Good Shepherd is offering us a way to abundant life, and all we must do is choose to follow Him.

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