Divorce Care

Divorce Care specifically focuses on the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in healing from divorce. Using the nationally-known DivorceCare curriculum, we explore what the Bible says about divorce, why it hurts so much, and how to stabilize your life. Learn how to deal with anger, depression, loneliness, new relationships, financial survival, children, forgiveness, and reconciliation, all while growing closer to God.

Join our Next Divorce Care Class

Sunday | Begins September 8 | 9:15am | North Campus Rm 113

Sunday | Begins September 8 | 10:45am | South Campus Rm A105

Monday | Begins September 9 | 6:30pm | South Campus Rm A105

Register Here

Brave Kids 

BRAVE Kids is a class on Wednesday evenings at the South Campus from 6:15pm - 7:45pm.  This class is designed for kids of divorced families to receive healing, learn about God’s heart for them and their families, and learn to be brave in the midst of difficulty. This is for 1st-5th grade aged children only.

Wednesdays | Starting August 28 | 6:15pm | South Campus Kids Park 

Register Here

Upcoming Events

Divorce Care Staff

Mike Hill
Marriage Pastor
Adina Brown
Grief Ministry Director