Premarital Counseling


We are excited that you are interested in Unite, Beltway's Premarital Ministry!

Unite is geared toward engaged or seriously dating couples interested in a biblical approach to a Godly marriage. We use Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS), written by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott as a focus for each class and offer an optional online couple assessment that provides a personalized profile that can accompany this program.

Beltway Premarital offers Fall and Spring classes that are led in groups. Two to four couples interact with a facilitator/leader couple who help guide the discussion and workbook activities each Monday evening for 5 weeks. In addition to our 5-week class, we also occasionally offer a Unite Weekend Intensive class for those who are pressed for time and are interested in a two-day commitment (availability may vary).

We encourage you to participate in one of these class sessions which incorporates group community and the opportunity to learn and grow with other couples who desire Godly relationships. Our Fall and Spring class can accommodate all interested couples! Registration costs $70 per couple and includes a SYMBIS hardback, a workbook for each of you, a personalized online assessment tool and a binder with additional resources that will help you going forward. We always provide a bunch of tasty snacks, coffee and soft drinks to keep you comfortable while you're here!

If you are unable to attend one of the scheduled Unite Classes, one-on-one premarital coaching may be an option for you. These sessions are offered by trained Beltway Pastors, staff and member couples and are arranged on a limited basis and according to coach availability.

You will receive a Twogether in Texas Certificate that will save you $60 on your marriage license if you are engaged or plan to be married after you complete Unite!

Couple Interest Form  UNITE Registration