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Who Condemns You?

Series: Questions Jesus Asked

David McQueenOctober 31, 2024Weekend Services

Passage: John 8:1-12

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There is more to your story than your present reality and struggles (John 8:1-12). Our past, our failures, our weaknesses, our lack, our circumstances, and our pain do not have the final say in the story of our lives. Paralyzed by the fear of either being exposed or never being able to change, we can easily believe we are stuck in our misery and shame (i.e., determinism or fatalism). Thankfully, Jesus is the light of the world who makes clear the path to life (John 8:12). Like the woman caught in the act of adultery, His heart is to neither condone our sinfulness nor condemn us. His intent is to make a way out of our condemnation, to establish a new story and trajectory for our lives. He wants to cleanse us from all our sin and lead us to a place of freedom, healing, restoration, and joy.

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Questions Jesus Asked

Who Condemns You?

Text: John 8:1-12

Jesus asked questions to get people – to force us – to think deeply about what He is saying because it is so grand, so immense, so “not the  ” of our world that we tend to dismiss it.

We can give each other this idea – we can give the world this idea - that this is what Jesus being “the light” is really all about.   Guilt. Condemnation. Shame.

We fear “I am what I am; I can’t  ”

In many ways in our culture, we have been taught that someone or something else is to blame for our lives, our destiny is already   and there isn’t much we can do about it.

Jesus doesn’t   or   He doesn’t tell this woman that she is a victim where she has no responsibility, nor does He callously act as if she has no story.

Your story doesn’t have to be the   of the story.

There is light that exposes and brings shame. But there is another kind of light, a light that makes clear the path of life in the midst of darkness, light that brings hope,   and healing.

Jesus didn’t come to condemn; He came to make a     of our condemnation.

And it happens as we     (1 Jn. 1:7)

Messages in Questions Jesus Asked