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4009 Beltway SouthAbilene, TX 79606
2850 Highway 351Abilene, TX 79601
David McQueenNovember 24, 2024Weekend Services
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Questions Jesus Asked
Do You Want to Go Away?
Every person who professes Jesus as Lord and Savior will face moments where we with the way God acts or doesn’t act.
And each time we face those moments, Jesus asks a just like He asked early followers facing the same dilemma.
“Do you want to go away ” John 6:67
Jesus is concerned about the more than the temporal, more focused on people being restored to God and growing in faith than doing what they want when they want.
We live in a time that tastes of the realities of the kingdom of God. We taste
But we are still waiting for the of the kingdom, a fullness that will not happen until the trumpet sounds, the sky is rent, and He descends as a conquering warrior.
I get all that in my head. But there are moments where my heart really struggles, where I wonder why He doesn’t work in this situation, where I question why He hasn’t returned to bringing His kingdom.
God can be absolutely even when He doesn’t do as we want or expect.
When I turn my to the cross – to the empty grave – I know: