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Fitting In

Series: The Biblical Guide to Quitting

Geoffrey TurnerJanuary 19, 2025Weekend Services

Passage: Romans 12:1-2

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A transformed mind aligns us with God’s greatest plans, purposes, and promises (Romans 12:1-2). We all want to fit in and to feel accepted by others; it is hardwired into us. We naturally want to be liked and affirmed by those around us, and sensing the breakdown of acceptance is instantly overwhelming and uncomfortable. God has a better way! He challenges us: do not love the world or the things in the world (1 John 2:15-17). Instead of being conformed to the world to fit in, God calls us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We experience that transformation by the power and filling of the Holy Spirit. When we engage the Word of God, surround ourselves with others who also desire transformation, confess our sin and our negative thought patterns, and actively pray, we position ourselves for the transformative power of the Holy Spirit to work and move in us. As our transformation takes place, we begin to embrace the will of God in our lives (in our thoughts, desires, motives, actions, choices, etc.).

Follow Along with the Message

The Biblical Guide to Quitting 

Fitting In 


Text: Romans 12:1-2

Conforming to the world around us  us from the  (1 John 2:15-17) 

All of  come with a

Our  is to conform. 

A transformed mind aligns you with God's , , and  

 brings blessing, and it starts with a transformed mind. 

A transformed mind begins by the  and  of the

(Galatians 4:4-7, John 14:26)

Our minds are transformed

Whenever we  on if we are conforming to the world or living with a transformed mind, we can always go to the word. 

Our minds are transformed as we  alongside  desiring transformed minds (Proverbs: 27:17)

Confessing our sins and  to one another helps lead us to  and transformed mind. (James: 5:16)

Our minds are transformed as we  (Matthew 6:9-13) 

When we proclaim your kingdom come and your will be done,  a back seat. 

Messages in The Biblical Guide to Quitting

January 12, 2025
David McQueen

January 5, 2025
Geoffrey Turner