Failure paralyzes us. Jesus restores us. Peace sends us (Luke 22:33-62). Peter – one of Jesus’ closest friends and followers – experiences the weight and crippling effect of his own failure and shame. Just hours after swearing allegiance to Jesus at their last meal together, Peter denies knowing Jesus three separate times. At his third denial, a rooster crows and Jesus looks at Peter. Peter, fully aware of his failure, leaves and weeps bitterly. In his shame, Peter loses all sense of purpose in Jesus and returns to his old life of fishing. The shame of his denial does not just turn him from God but drags him back to being the person and the ways he thought he had left behind. But Jesus pursues Peter – and us – with the heart to restore and give His peace. Jesus, after His resurrection, finds Peter fishing and powerfully restores him to his real calling and destiny. He imparts His peace to Peter and sends him out with a specific mission. Like Peter, Jesus wants to restore us from our past failures and send us out with His peace to live the life God has for us.