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Who's Got Your Back?

Series: James


Pastor David McQueen wraps up the sermon series over the Book of James and discusses how community is a nonnegotiable necessity for an abundant life. James, half-brother to Jesus, encourages us to persevere to the end so we may become mature and lacking nothing. At the end of his letter, James tells us one final facet for a life that lives more and more in abundance, that community is nonnegotiable. God designed us for community. We’re to encourage, speak truth, and help each other take our next steps with Jesus in love.

Speaker: David McQueen

July 28, 2024

James 5:19-20

David McQueen

Lead Pastor

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Who’s Got Your Back?

Text: James 5:19-20

God wants us to live more and more in the abundance He designed for us from the beginning. He desires we   (James 1:4)

 is a nonnegotiable necessity for abundance.

God Himself lives perfectly in  Father, Son, and Spirit so unified that He is One God. (Gen. 1:26-27)

Every human is made in God’s image. We are made to walk through life in  

We have an enemy who is always looking for a way to attack, looking for a way to get us, to  from the truth. (1 Pet. 5:8)

The way our enemy attacks is most often very   He uses half-truths and deception, offenses and lies to get us to take a step from the truth.

The answer for this propensity to wander, to step away from the truth, is   

“Who has your back?” for these moments when you fall prey to the  of the enemy? (Neh. 4:16)

The moment I  think that I can’t wander from truth is the moment I am very vulnerable. (1 Cor. 10:12)

We need to purposefully have relationships with people of faith, people of wisdom, people who love Jesus and seek to walk in His ways who can challenge,  and encourage our lives. (Heb. 10:23-25)

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