Unless You Forgive

Series: Made for More

Unless You Forgive

October 29, 2023 | David McQueen

Passage: Matthew 18:21-35

Unforgiveness produces torture; forgiveness yields freedom (Matthew 18:21-35). When we become followers of Jesus, we are forgiven a spiritual debt we could never pay. It is because we have been forgiven much that we can and should forgive others. When we refuse to extend forgiveness to someone, it is a significant act of dishonor against God and against the forgiveness we have received from Him. Unforgiveness gives the enemy the right to torment our lives, to keep us in bondage and to keep us from the abundant life God offers us. On the other hand, walking in forgiveness is incredibly liberating. Forgiveness is a deliberate choice, not a feeling. It does not require trust, nor does it mean we forget. But for those who desire lasting freedom, forgiveness is not optional.

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Made for More

Unless You Forgive

Text: Matthew 18:21-35 (p. 824)

Unforgiveness produces   forgiveness yields  

Why such an emphasis on forgiving others that every believer needs to pray about it   (Mt. 6:10-15)

When we become a Jesus follower, we are forgiven a debt we could    

And when we then refuse to give to another the forgiveness that we have so generously received from God, it is maybe the greatest act of   we can have against God.

Forgiving someone is a way we     because unforgiveness hurts no one but me.

Forgiveness is a   not a  

Forgiveness doesn’t mean I must   the person. (Mt. 18:17)

Forgiveness is what I give from my heart before God because of what He has    

  is earned over time by the repentance of the other person.

Forgiveness is usually a  

Forgiveness isn’t  

Forgiveness isn’t   if we want to be free.

What is   with men is   with God. Luke 18:27

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