The Necessity of Patience

Series: James

The Necessity of Patience

July 11, 2024 | David McQueen

Passage: James 5:7-12

Pastor David McQueen continues through the book of James, breaking down James 5:7-11 over patience in suffering. James, brother to Jesus, tells us to wait like the farmer for the precious fruit of the earth, begin patient about it. The Father wants everyone to reap a harvest of precious fruit with our lives. God is bringing about the harvest, but facets of that harvest happen over time. It is why the apostle Paul implored us in Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” But patience doesn’t mean being passive, we are to warn, encourage, help, and serve. Biblical patience is radically loving people so they can obtain God’s harvest in their lives. Biblical patience is radically pursuing God and obeying Him, trusting He will bring the harvest at the appropriate time.

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The Necessity of Patience

Text: James 5:7-12

The Father wants everyone to reap a harvest of     with our lives. (v.7)

  a bountiful harvest in our lives requires patience.

As we follow Jesus, we see Him bring more and more   things in us and in the world.

But this world is still really messed up. There is still a lot of ugliness,   and darkness.

And we find this angst inside of us that just screams "    must we wait” for it all.

God is at work bringing about the harvest. But facets of that harvest happen over   (Gal. 6:9)

Patience doesn’t mean  

The word "" (v.8) is a word of resolve. “I’m resolved to do what God calls me to do, and I will trust Him to bring about the abundant harvest at the appropriate time.” (Lk. 9:51)

Biblical patience is radically   people so they can obtain God’s harvest in their lives. (v.9; 1 Thes. 5:14)

Biblical patience is radically pursuing God and   Him, trusting He will bring the harvest at the appropriate time. (vv. 10-12; Mt. 15:5-7)

“I learned a long time ago that if I am not     I become passively wicked.” Don Finto

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