Series: Bless this Home
Blessed homes do not wish for peace; they make it (Matthew 5:9). Every person experiences conflict in their relationships; it is inevitable, especially in our homes with those we are closest to and spend the most time with. Even mature followers of Jesus can have disagreements and struggles (Acts 15:36-40). It is a reality that if we are pursuing Jesus diligently, peace in relationships does not just happen. We must be intentional in taking steps to create peace with others. We become peacemakers in our relationships by utilizing the acronym P.E.A.C.E.
P – Prayerfully plan a meeting.
E – Empathize with their opinions and feelings.
A – Attack the problem, not the person.
C – Cooperate as much as possible.
E – Emphasize reconciliation, not resolution.
David McQueen
Lead Pastor
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