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Our Heart Matters

Series: Blessed2


God’s abundant blessing as we live generous lives is tied to our hearts (Mark 12:41-44). Jesus makes it clear to His followers, when He highlights a poor widow who gave all she had (two copper coins) into the temple treasury, that the amount of our giving is significantly less important than the condition of our hearts when we give. In seeking to live a life of generosity, it is not just the act of giving that we need to focus on. The position of our hearts as we give matters. If we practice generosity on any level (i.e., relationally, financially, in serving, etc.), we will experience blessing. This is the law of sowing and reaping, and it is undefeated and irrefutable. But how we reap, and the totality of what we reap is intricately tied to the heart behind it. God calls us to be a cheerful giver, not a bitter or reluctant giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). God offers more blessing, or fuller blessing, when we are generous with the right heart.

Speaker: Geoffrey Turner

February 18, 2024

Mark 12:41-44

Geoffrey Turner

Teaching Pastor & Strategic Initiatives

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Our Heart Matters

Text: Mark 12:41-44 (p. 849)

God’s   as we live   is tied to our hearts.

It isn’t  the  of generosity that we need to  on. The position of our heart as we do what we are called to do matters.

The law of  and  is  (2 Corinthians 9:6)

But  we reap, and the totality of  we reap is tied not just to the  but to the heart behind it.                            (2 Corinthians 9:7)

God loves a   not a   

If we walk in   we will reap blessing, but we will be  for  than the full blessing God offers to the cheerful giver.

God loves a cheerful giver not because of   but because   a need. (Psalm 50:10-12)

There is   and   we get to walk in whenever we give our mites as cheerful givers.

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