I Am Victorious

I Am Victorious

September 15, 2024 | Geoffrey Turner

Passage: James 1:14-18

We are more sinful than we think we are. And we are not as strong as we think we are in resisting temptation. Because our willpower against temptation will wane and wear out, we must pre-decide to move the line farther away from sin. We must magnify the cost of giving in to temptation, so that sin loses its luster. And we must map our escape, so that if we are hit with temptation, we know exactly what we will do; God always provides a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). Why resist temptation tomorrow if you have the power to eliminate it today? No one plans to significantly damage their life through sin, but it happens all the time. The problem is that we rarely plan to not sin.

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Think Ahead

I Am Victorious

Text: James 1:14-18

We would all choose   over  

Victory takes   and    

Temptation doesn’t have to   us – We can   and live  

Temptation     (Hebrews 4:15)

Temptation is the urge to   our   on     rather than following God’s plan. (Romans 7:15)

God wants      (1 Corinthians 10:13)

    and walking in victory requires us to   to be tempted.

  with our temptation will   to  

I walk in victory when I   with   with the   (Matthew 7:7- 11)

I walk in victory when I      (Ephesians 4:9-12)

I walk in victory when I   my     to temptation. (Philippians 4:6-7)

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