I Am Faithful

I Am Faithful

September 29, 2024 | David McQueen

Passage: Mark 4:3-20

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I Am Faithful

Text: Mark 4:3-20

Jesus is abundantly clear. If you and I have to       into one word, we want that word to be faithful. (Mt. 25:21)

    is the result of pre-deciding to be faithful.

Faithfulness is when we   what God says is true no matter what AND we decide to   it no matter what.

And Jesus warns us we have an   who seeks to keep us from being faithful.

We get to   what kind of   we are.

Think about what it would do if we just   that I’m going to be faithful.

  • When I’m faced with the dilemma at work to cut the corner – to   - it’s really not much of a dilemma because I’ve already decided: I am faithful. (Pr. 11:1)
  • When I’m   and people are ranting and yelling, I’m not ranting and yelling back because I’ve already decided: I am faithful. (Rm. 12:17-18)
  • When the world jams it down our throat that success is gaining as much money and stuff as possible, I am of a different   because we’ve already decided – I am faithful. (Lk. 16:10-13)

Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the   of your master. Matthew 25:21

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