Faith and Works

Series: James

Faith and Works

June 23, 2024 | David McQueen

David McQueen shares how we can be confident and secure in SAVING faith! The crux of Christianity is wrapped up in one word: Save (Luke 19:10). Different from Paul writing about faith from God’s perspective, the book of James, written by the half-brother to Jesus, addresses faith from a human perspective. James 2:17-19 tells us how faith without works is dead… for even the demons believe and shudder. James and Matthew warn us that one of the ways the enemy keeps people from being saved is to convince them they have faith when they really don’t. Jesus says that faith that saves doesn’t just say the right words, give intellectual assent to right doctrine, but does the will of my Father in heaven. The evidence of saving faith is in the growing fruit, the surrender and obedience to the Lord!

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Faith and Works

We can be absolutely  that we truly have what is most important. 

The crux of Christianity is wrapped up in one word.  (Lk. 19:10) 

The proof of saving faith is in the  

 is the inevitable evidence of saving faith. (Mt. 7:21) 

Nothing brings greater  - greater security, peace, joy, purpose - than knowing we are saved. (1 Jn. 5:13-14)

James as a spiritual father is desperate that no one be  by the enemy into thinking we have faith when we really don't. (2 Cor. 13:5) 

  • Have I surrendered my life to Jesus and committed to be His  (Lk. 9:23) 
  • Have I confessed Jesus as my Lord and Savior before  (Lk 12:8-9)
  • Am I actively listening for the voice of God in all the ways He speaks so I can stay in  with Him? (Jn. 10:3) 
  • Is my life characterized by  obedience? (Jn. 14:23) 
  • Do I find myself  between longing for heaven and wanting to stay in this life to help people? (Phil. 1:21-24) 
  • Do I see the fruit of the Spirit  in me? (Gal. 5:22-23) 
  • Does the use of my  (time, talent, and money) reflect my professed love for Jesus? (Mt. 6:21) 
  • Does something deep within me acknowledge that I am God's  (Rm. 8:16)
  • Am I joining Jesus in His mission to seek and save the  (Mt. 28: 19-20) 

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