Radical focus on God gives strength for the battles of life (John 16:33). Without question, life can be crushingly hard and unfair. That is why the victory of Jesus on the cross over death, hell, and the grave is so powerful. He has overcome the world and promises us strength to overcome its difficulties. We receive that strength and hope when we look to God as Yahweh Nissi - I AM your Banner. In the Old Testament, banners were for battle. They gave guidance and would show soldiers which direction to proceed. Banners gave hope and encouragement to armies when they could see it advancing. When we fix our eyes on God as our banner, He empowers us to persevere and to overcome discouragement. When we fix our gaze upon Him, He imparts peace. Knowing the supernatural impact of hearts and minds set on God, the enemy works overtime to distract us. That distraction leads to self-reliance, which is often our first step towards destruction. God made us to have a radical focus on Him, to live dependent on Him. On our own, we cannot win the battles of life.