Words Matter

Series: James

Words Matter

June 09, 2024 | David McQueen

Passage: James 3:1-10

David McQueen highlights how James 3:6 is a warning of how our words, the language we use, can set a fire of destruction in our lives. Words wield a power greater than we can imagine. In verse 8, James tells us that no human can tame the tongue. But in Luke 18:27, Jesus tells us what is impossible with men is possible with God! Jesus came to do for us and in us what we cannot do ourselves – including taming the untamable. By surrendering our words to Jesus, we have power to be silent or the power to speak life!

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Words Matter

Text: James 3:1-10

Words wield a   greater than we imagine.

We only get into heaven by   what Jesus did for us on the cross and surrendering our lives to be His follower. (Eph. 2:8-9)

Even those of us who are saved and bound for heaven because we’ve surrendered our lives to Jesus will face judgment for how we lived, including our   (Jam. 3:1; Mt. 12:36-37; 2 Cor. 5:10)

Think about how many   are manifest in our words.

Jesus came to do for us and in us that which we cannot do ourselves, including   the   (Jam. 3:8; Lk. 18:27; Is. 6:5-7)

Questions to ask:

  • Have I   the power of words? (Jam. 1:19)

  • Have I   my words to Jesus? (Ps. 19:14; 1 Pet. 3:15)

  • Am I being both   and   when I speak? (Eph. 4:15)

  • Am I careful enough when speaking while offended or   (Eph. 4:26-27)

  • Am I giving   in what I say? (Rm. 12:10)

  • Am I quick to repent and   when I sin with my words? (1 Jn. 1:9)

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