South Campus


Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Set as Home



4009 Beltway South
Abilene, TX 79606




North Campus


Thursday 6:30 PM

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Set as Home


2850 Highway 351
Abilene, TX 79601




Online Campus


Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Set as Home



4009 Beltway South
Abilene, TX 79606




Local Outreach

Hey Difference Makers!

At Beltway Park, we believe every person matters to God. That's true for people who live on the other side of the world and it's true for people who live on the other side of the street. We want to LOVE and BLESS them all!!  That's why we have serve opportunities and practical ways we can continue to meet the needs of those that God puts in front of us.

We Love Our City: Serve Week  

We Love Our City Week is your opportunity as a group or family to be the hands and feet of Jesus leading up to Easter. Whether it's serving a neighbor, blessing a local business, or encouraging first responders, every act of kindness reflects God's love. This isn't just about meeting needs - it's about building relationships and pointing people to Jesus. As you serve, take the opportunity to invite those you bless to Easter, where they can experience the hope and love of Christ!  

Take Part in We Love Our City: 

  • Go with your Group or your Family
    • If your group had good participation during WLOC Halloween, do something in your neighborhood again! 
    • Sign up your group or family below. This helps our outreach team better serve your group!
    • Make sure to take a picture or two and tag Beltway Park Church and use the hashtags #WeLoveAbilene and #blessABI. 
    • Let these outreaches be a launching pad to continue BLESSING your city and showing the love of Jesus to those around you! 

Love YOUR City: Online Campus

Online Campus this is for you too!! Where ever you are YOU can LOVE + BLESS your city in tangible ways. 

  • Create a group in your area or go with your family. 
  • Print or download a digital invite and share it with someone you'd love to join you for Church Online Easter Weekend! 

PRINT | Download HERE

SIGN UP FOR We Love Our City

Outreach Opportunities

  • Write thank-you notes to teachers and staff.
  • Drop off coffee, donuts, or snacks for the teacher's lounge.
  • Donate school supplies to a classroom in need. 
  • Give a small plant or flowers with an encouraging note. 
  • Gift a coffee or supply store gift card to a teacher. 
  • Have your kids draw pictures or write notes to their teachers. 
  • Pack 'teacher survival kits' with gum, chapstick, and a note. 
  • Bring breakfast or lunch for the school office staff. 
  • Pray over the school and ask teachers how to pray for them. 
  • Set up a snack station for bus drivers with water and granola bars. 
  • Bless crossing guards with a small gift card or warm drink. 
  • Drop off extra tissues, hand sanitizer, and wipes for classrooms. 
  • Surprise a teacher with a new book for their class library. 
  • Clean up litter around the school grounds as a family. 
  • Adopt a teacher and commit to praying for them. 
  • Give a school custodian a thank-you card and small gift. 
  • Give blood to Hendrick Regional Blood Center.
  • Return shopping carts for people at your local grocery store.
  • Write encouraging notes to nurses, first responders or teachers thanking them for their hard work in this season.
  • Dry cars at self serve car washes.
  • Hand out a road trip goodie bag with snacks, water, and encouraging note or word, to passengers at a local bus station.
  • Hand out gatorade and towels at your local gym.
  • Pass out free stamps at the local post office. 
  • Offer free donuts in a busy grocery store parking lot. 
  • Wash windshields at a gas station. 
  • Pay for a family's laundry at laundromats while getting to know each individual.
  • Connect with Dyess Air Force Base and bless the airmen with gift bags. 
  • Buy flowers and cards for hospital patients and their families. 
  • Donate needed items to Pregnancy Resources of Abilene. 
  • Host a car wash.
  • Take breakfast to your local soccer/baseball field.
  • Pick up groceries for families in need.
  • Pray that the Lord highlights people to you and your group at the mall/park and pray with them.
  • Assemble care packs for nursing homes and help deliver them. 
  • Pass out water bottles at a local park. 
  • Pack sack lunches and give them out to those in need.
  • Pay for someone's meal, gas, or groceries behind you in line, and invite them to Easter. 
  • Buy food for your local food pantry.
  • Dry cars with towels at a self-serve car wash.
  • Give doggie treats and Easter invites out at dog parks. 
  • Hand out Gatorade and other drinks at biking/walking trails.
  • Buy concessions for families at movie theaters. 
  • Leave snacks and water our for your mail carriers or waste collector. 
  • Bring breakfast or lunch to your office.
  • Bless your waiter or waitress with a financial gift and invite them to Easter. 
  • Connect and serve international students or refugees in our community. 


We desire to love the Big Country well. BLESS is a tool to encourage us to love and serve people in our lives, so that they may have the opportunity to come to a saving relationship with Jesus. 

BLESS comes from Genesis 12:2-3. This is the place where God calls and blesses Abram. God says, "I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing." 

We encourage you to be intentional about reaching your neighbors and co-workers with these five practical steps. By doing one step each day we can see our whole city and the Big Country come to know Jesus.


Colossians 4:2-4

Prayer is a vital part of the mission of God and reveals His direction in our lives.  Once the Lord has revealed the people He is calling you to, begin praying for and blessing them.  As you continue to build relationship with these people and places, regularly ask them how you can be praying for them and take the time to pray with them.

Action Step: Create a list of people that the Lord is calling you to pray over and BLESS. Pray the following: 

  • That God stirs a desire in them to know Him.

  • That the Lord opens their eyes to His work and His desire to know them. 

  • How can I reach out and be a blessing to them? 


James 1:19-20

Listening helps us get to know people.  Listening helps us understand what people are dealing with, what they are working through, and what excites them.  We can listen to their fears, worries, and concerns.  We can ask what their passions are.  We can find out where and how they want to grow.  Don't talk, but listen to people, their struggles, and their pains in the places God sends you.

Action Step: Take time to listen to the people God puts in front of you. 

  • How can you pray for them? 

  • Is the Lord revealing something specific they may need? 


Acts 2:46

We all LOVE to eat!  And we typically eat twenty-one times a week.  Just include people in this.  There is something about eating together that moves any relationship past acquaintances and toward friendship.  When, if possible, invite these people that you are trying to bless into your home.  The home setting creates a shared place of comfort and vulnerability.  It welcomes people to share their lives and builds genuine friendship.  You can also have a meal with people at a restaurant or have a cup of coffee.

Action Step: Make a plan to invite someone to coffee, to lunch, or to your home for dinner. It might even be fun to cook the meal together!


1 Peter 4:10-11

As you're listening to people share about their lives, look for ways you can serve them.  People will tell you how they need to be served.  Listen and be willing to step into the places that they are ready to welcome you.  Frequently these will be simple and seemingly mundane tasks, however, these tasks often bless people far beyond what we can imagine.  Service is about the person that is being served and not the service that is being done.

Action Step: Ask the Lord how to serve someone. 

  • Be willing to mow their lawn or rake their leaves.

  • Bake a dessert to share with them. 

  • Go to the store or run an errand for them. 

  • Most importantly, listen for the places they are asking for help and look for places where they may be willing to allow you to serve. 


2 Timothy 1:8-9

When the time is right, share your story, the story of how Jesus changed your life.  Sometimes they will even ask about your story.  Your account of finding Jesus is compelling.  Don’t be afraid if they ask you something you don’t know.  It is ok to say, "I am not sure, but I will try to find out."

Action Step: Share your story with someone today. 

  • What was your life like before you met Jesus? 

  • What does it look like now? 

  • What difference has knowing Jesus made in your life? (marriage healed, acceptance and unconditional love, peace from anxiety, etc.)

Serve with Us

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry serves those in need in the Taylor Country area.

Boots on the Ground

Hands-on ministry providing developmental relief to children, the elderly and disabled with essential needs.

Local Partners

Through the generosity of our people, we support 20 local partners in Abilene and the Big Country. When you give to Beltway Park Church, you are part of this local, kingdom impact! You can see a list of these partners below and click on several names to find out more.

Head over to our blog to check out the latest!

Missions & Outreach NEWS



Abriana Blanton

Administrative Assistant - College & Young Adult Groups, & Missions

Renee Booe

Foster Adoption Media & Marketing Director

Shelby Graves

Administrative Assistant - Boots on the Ground & Beltway Garage