As the Next Step, “Meet Jesus” describes, salvation is God’s free gift to us, but we must accept it. If you have done this, then baptism is your Next Step.
Interested in BaptismSign Up for baptism classSchedule my baptism
Interested in BaptismSign Up for baptism classSchedule my baptism
If attending a Baptism Class in person is challenging for you or not possible, we have an online option. Baptism Online is a way to participate in this course on your own time and in your own way. This online class is for adults only. Children and Students must attend this class in person.
Here's what to do:
1. Download the handout to follow along with the video session
2. Watch the video session
3. Answer the questions related to the video session
4. Click submit when finished.
Once submitted, our Baptism team will reach out to you about your next steps.
If you are ready to be baptized (or re-baptized), please read through some of our frequently asked questions. If you have further questions, please get in touch with one of our pastors or .
From the New Testament, baptism is consistently associated with those who accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and surrendered their lives to Him (Acts 2:41; 8:12-13). Following this pattern, Beltway Park believes that every person who has professed faith in Jesus Christ should be baptized.
No problem! Please email to check other available options.
At Beltway Park, we wait until our children are old enough to believe in Jesus Christ and understand the true meaning of baptism before we baptize them (i.e. we do not baptize infants or young toddlers). We also wait until children express their own desire to be baptized and pursue it on their own. We encourage parents and families not to put unnecessary pressure on kids to take this step in their faith journey before they are ready. We want kids to take ownership of their faith in Jesus and their decision to be baptized. Though we do not baptize infants or toddlers, we do practice and encourage Child Dedication for kids all ages, and we make this available to parents and families multiple times throughout a given year.
As soon as possible! (Acts 2:41; 8:35-38). As soon as you are in Christ, you can (and should) be baptized. If you wait until you are perfect, you will never truly be or feel good enough. Register above to attend one of our upcoming baptism classes.
Yes! If each family member understands the meaning of baptism, and each one has personally placed his/her trust in Christ for salvation, then you can absolutely be baptized together. It is a wonderful expression of how God is working to shape individual hearts and shape the identity and culture of a family.
Dark blue t-shirts that say Forever Changed are provided for you to be worn during baptism and will be given to you as a free gift as part of your celebration! Under the t-shirt, women typically wear a swimsuit and dark-colored shorts. Men usually wear athletic shorts or swimsuit with their t-shirt. Plan to bring a change of clothes. We provide changing room and towels for your use.
With our newest format for baptism and hosting periodic baptism services at Beltway Park, you will not be required to say anything publicly; baptism itself is a public profession of faith in Jesus. Baptisms will most likely take place during the worship portion of our services, as our worship teams lead our church family. However, during the baptism class you attend, you will be asked these two basic questions:
Obviously, these questions might differ slightly in wording, depending on who is asking.
At Beltway Park, anyone can baptize you (e.g. a spouse, family member, group leader, pastor, close friend, spiritual mentor, etc.), provided that they have made a profession in faith in Jesus and follow Him.