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Abilene, TX 79606




Trusting the Lord

by Ashley Kershner on April 16, 2020

Trusting the Lord

Trust.  I chose to talk about this simple word because today it is a word that I am battling to believe and fighting to walk out with the Lord.  We all experience the tactics of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy.  We all find ourselves overwhelmed at some point in our day with unexpected bills, pressures of life, or just being worn out from the latest news report.   So I ask, how do we trust the Lord?

To answer this question, I want to talk for a moment about one of my favorite people in the old testament, Noah.  The story of the ark is amazing in itself but what is even more amazing is how Noah accomplished the improbable feat.  One hundred and twenty years it took Noah to build the ark.  The invitation came from the Lord in a time that it had never rained before!   The ridicule, the constant questions from family and friends.  How did Noah keep going after year 10?   How did he keep building after year 70, 90, 105??  How did he pick up his hammer after the 119th year?

The answer is found in one sentence in Genesis 6:9 “Noah walked with God”.  Is it that simple?  I believe it is!  Noah’s relationship with the Lord was greater than any obstacle, worry, or fear.  When God invited Noah into the “impossible”, Noah’s response was a resounding YES!  There is only one way to learn how to trust the Lord and that is to “walk with the Lord”.  He desires to show Himself faithful and prove Himself as a good Father.  When we know Him, we will trust Him!

Psalm 37:3 says “Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness."   Trust is never intended to be something we have to conjure up in our own strength.  This psalmist is giving us the answer on how to trust the Lord…”hangout with the Lord and discover His love and kindness toward us."

Is there an area of your life that you struggle to trust the Lord? Invite Him into it!

Is there an impossible task or obstacle in your life that requires God to move on your behalf? Invite Him into it again!

Write down 2 or 3 testimonies of times the Lord has been faithful in your life.  Let these build faith in the areas we lack trust. 

We can only discover Him as a “comforter” in times we need comfort.

We can only discover Him as a “provider” in times we need provision. 

Times of need, or what I like to call “opportunities to trust,” are required to discover how good our God really is and how much He really wants to take care of us.  This simple trust can only be found in our walk with Him.

Tags: trust, provider, faithful


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