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Abilene, TX 79606




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Abilene, TX 79601




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Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Set as Home



4009 Beltway South
Abilene, TX 79606





October 07, 2020

Week 4 | day twenty-four


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

The thought of leaving comfort and ease for the call of the Lord at times makes my stomach churn, and my heart beat a little faster.  I am truly physically uncomfortable at the thought of leaving the comfortable, even before I've left.  I turn back to the Lord and ask Him why I am afraid.  How do I leave this behind?  Over and over, it all comes down to believing…. genuinely believing that God is who He says He is in a very practical and tangible way.

The quickest way I know to align back with this truth is to declare it with my mouth and believe it in my heart with worship.  And in this space, I find myself singing the song Tremble by Mosaic MSC.  Why?  Because it reminds my heart that God is BIG.  It reminds me that everything is under His feet, and It gives me the courage to step out under His covering.  Friends, the battle is the Lord's, and He has already won.  We can rest in that truth while we boldly leave our comfort zones.

Will you join me today in proclaiming His Big-ness?  Will you join me in declaring the surety that He overcomes, always, as we sing?  

Your name is a light that the shadows can't deny

Your name cannot be overcome

Your name is alive forever lifted high

Your name cannot be overcome 

Will you sing just a little bit louder and with courage when verse 2 comes, and we declare our choice to step up and out in confidence in our God?  Call these bones to live!  Call these lungs to sing!

Breathe, then call these bones to live

Call these lungs to sing

Once again, I will praise

Jesus! Jesus! You make the Darkness tremble!  Jesus, Jesus, you silence fear!  Thank you, Lord!!

Today's Prayer: Lord, call me back to worship.  Call me back to align my heart, mind, and mouth with Your Truth anytime I find fear keeping me in my comfort zone.  Thank you for being so Big and Trustworthy!

Todays Challenge: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything that is causing your heart to tremble and retreat back to comfort.  Name it out loud.  Make it come out of hiding. Then, worship God with the song Tremble to remind your heart that He truly overcomes all, and that it is the darkness who should, instead, tremble.

Tags: peace, courage, comfort, overcome


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