Week 1 | day three
That They Know You
And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17:3
In John 17 we read the farewell discourse of Jesus. As He prepares to leave His disciples and the earth, I am struck with the thought that Jesus could have said ANYTHING in preparation for His departure. What He shares is His deepest desire, and it’s not only with those present but for all followers of Jesus who would come after them. Know God!
The account of David and Goliath that we will be studying over the next several weeks is not just the story of a little guy overcoming the odds to defeat a bigger guy. To me, it’s a testimony of David not just “knowing” about God but through life experience and encounter with a living God, David “knows” his God.
In the “knowing” His God, when young David comes upon the stalemate in the battle arena between the uncircumcised Philistine and the armies of the living God (1 Sam 17:26), something rises up and David offers himself to the God he has come to know. The God that delivered him from the dangers of the lion and the bear would certainly come through as David steps in to challenge Goliath’s rants of evil and dishonor toward God.
The point is this, before David could step onto that battle field he rehearsed who He knew God to be. He recounted God’s faithfulness in his life over and over again. He remembered the moments in the dessert places of worship. He focused on the multiple times God empowered him with strength, beyond what was possible in himself to accomplish. David was confident in His God.
One of the best ways I have found to focus on God and shift my vision from the issue or circumstance standing between me and the promises of God, is to rehearse, remind and recount who God is through worship. Lifting my gaze and heart to magnify God stirs up faith, and like David, confidence in the truth of who God is and that God will “deliver me from the hand of this Philistine” settles my soul.
One of the songs that helps me to center my thoughts is Way Maker by Leeland. Here are a few of the lyrics. Will you join me in declaring who our God is to the giants you may be facing today?
I worship you, Lord
You are Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness
My God, that is who you are
You are Waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness
My God, that is who you are
Today’s Prayer: Today God, I choose to see you bigger than any issue or problem I may face. Increase my faith to see you as the One who makes a way when there doesn’t seem to be a way out of my circumstances. I choose to remember that You are the Promise Keeper. Your word never fails to accomplish what You have spoken. By the grace of God, I will focus on the Light of Jesus instead of the darkness that surrounds me. Amen
Today’s Challenge: Really listen to the words of the song Way Maker. Meditate on who God is. Ask Holy Spirit to bring to mind the times that God has kept a promise to you or provided a miracle in your life or the life of a loved one.