Week 1 | day one
Others Saw a Giant, David Saw God
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-3
In a world that is filled with an ocean of distractions and temptations that fight and vie for the attention and affections of our hearts and minds, it is easy to have our vision and hearts pulled in multiple directions at the same time.
God’s desire is to have Children that are focused and set, determined and steadfast in their thinking and vision. But not just set on what is tangible or within our physical sight, as Children of God we are called to a higher vision. To see what God sees, to think what God thinks and to do what God does.
WE are called to have God vision, to see God and His purpose within the “normal” and “usual” of our everyday lives. To set our sight to be God focused when everything around us is shouting “look at me.” David was going about his “normal” life, doing the business of obeying his Father’s instruction to take food to his brothers that were fighting on the front lines.
Imagine the scene, David strolls up to see this vast army all hunkered down, hiding behind rocks, sheltering themselves from the shouts and power display of the enemy instead of advancing and fighting the battle before them. After all, weren’t they the King’s army? They were focused on the size, power and threats of the giant standing before them. And it isn’t long before their vision causes them to become paralyzed and ineffective. When we set our focus on the wrong thing, we too can quickly be distracted from the truth that Jesus has already won the battle.
We are living in very interesting and even dangerous times. Things seem to change to uncertainty at such a rapid pace; darkness seems to be rising all around us. We too, can find ourselves focusing on the size and strength of the obstacle before us. We can tend to lose sight of the call and mission to be the vast army of God, the light of Jesus in the midst of the battle to destroy the giants in the land.
David found victory by staying focused on the truth that God is bigger, stronger and all powerful! He was able, even in the midst of battle and circumstances that scream out of control to focus his sight and heart on the truth that he was hidden in Christ. When others saw a giant, David saw His God’s faithfulness to deliver!
Today’s Prayer: Father, today I ask that You grant me the grace to see beyond the obstacles and giants that are shouting to distract my focus from You. Speak to me through Your Word, remind me that You are ALWAYS faithful, always BIGGER than any issue or circumstance I face.
Today’s Challenge: Find a few minutes to quiet yourself. Ask Holy Spirit to show you what you have set your gaze upon. What has your focus? What are the things in your heart you tend to worry over or might be anxious about? Now see that thing in light of WHO God is and what He says about Himself in His word. Like David, remind yourself how BIG your God is!