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Abilene, TX 79606




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Sunday 11:00 AM

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Abilene, TX 79601




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Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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4009 Beltway South
Abilene, TX 79606




Learning & Growing Together

by Nathanael Brown on May 29, 2020

Learning & Growing Together

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer. –  Acts 2:42

This interesting verse is tucked within a small passage of seven verses at the end of Acts 2, immediately following the blow-your-mind outpouring and release of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and early church. There is a similar passage of seven verses at the end of Acts 4 as well. These two short passages give the reader a window glimpse into the regular, daily life and reality of the early church after Jesus ascended to heaven. There was the presence of the Holy Spirit manifesting in wonders and signs, filling them with awe.  They were meeting together, testifying to what God was doing, walking in unity, caring for one another and meeting each other’s physical needs. There was fellowship, worship, prayer, and food. The atmosphere was electric!

And a significant part of that atmosphere when they gathered was devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching. Meeting together, they would share the stories of the early apostles and their time with Jesus, share testimonies of how God was continuing to work and move powerfully, and remind each other of the truths that Jesus and the apostles had taught. Together in homes and in the temple courts, they were speaking, encouraging, and processing the truth of Scripture (the truth of Jesus) in such a way that hearts were stirred and lives transformed. They learned and grew in their faith within the context of community.

The word that stands out in Acts 2:42 is the word devoted. Devotion is not just intellectual agreement or the entertainment of a lofty idea. Devotion involves the heart. It involves a passionate dedication, a full embrace emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. And for the early church, devotion and passion was emerging from community as they engaged truth and actively walked in the things of the Holy Spirit. Passion and devotion contagiously spread when followers of Jesus gather and collectively give themselves to pursuing truth and the Holy Spirit. That is what God is calling the church to today!

Today’s Prayer: Lord, stir within me and within my community a Spirit-breathed passion and devotion to You, to your Word and truth, and Your Spirit.

Today’s Challenge: This week, have a purposeful conversation with those in your community about what it looks like to devote yourselves to truth, and to stir passion in one another for the Kingdom of God and the movement of the Holy Spirit.

Tags: truth, community, holy spirit, devotion


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