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Abilene, TX 79606




Hearing and Asking

by Larry Brunner on May 14, 2020

Hearing and Asking

 “Call to me and I will answer you, and tell you great and hidden things you have not known.”  Jeremiah 33:3

James tells us plainly that “you do not have because you do not ask.”  (4:2).If we intend to respond in the measure of faith he assigns us, it is wise to ask Him to speak that we might hear His voice. God responds to our call- He desires relationship, both parties speaking and listening. We always hope God hears our prayers (he does!). Can He also expect us to hear His voice?  Several times in Jeremiah, God tells the prophet and His people to “Obey my voice.”  Asking for God’s voice, listening for His promptings, and allowing Him to enter the deep places of our hearts is the highest wisdom – if we respond. He will tell us “great and hidden things” about Himself and about us, things far beyond our limited reason and understanding – what we have not known.  This process is called Revelation – God is eager to reveal all we can contain about who He is and about who we are in Him.  Scripture speaks repeatedly about who God is and who we are in Him. When reading the Word, call on God and ask Him to tell you what you have not seen in the Bible. Call on him to peak out of scripture – which is “living and active discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” – to you on a personal level. Become intimately acquainted with how God speaks to you in Scripture.

When we have called on Him, and when He has eagerly responded as a loving Father does, knowing when and what we need to hear, we find his word building new levels of faith in us – not merely “believing in something,” but trusting in Someone.  Romans 10:17 says “Faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.”  In fact believers are defined as those who hear God.  “Whoever is of God hears the word of God” (John 8:47) – that’s red letters, if you have that kind of Bible.  If you know Jesus, you have heard Him, and you can call on Him for much more. So, read the Bible and listen in your heart expectantly.  You are “of God,” and every blood-bought member of His family hears the Father’s voice.  Expect his word for now, today, in your present situation.

Today’s Prayer: Father, thank you that when I call, you answer.  Thank you that your word is always for me, and never against me.  May I hear love in all you say and respond to you eagerly.

Today’s Challenge:  Are you calling to God for revelation? Are you proactive, seeking his presence and His revelation?  Examine your heart to see if you have seriously asked for what God has to say, and have listened attentively and expectantly.

Tags: faith, trust, expect, hearing, asking


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