Rest comes as we know the for His children.
(Mt. 18:2-4)
What if we got deep within that God is a Father whose heart for His children is so grand we find it almost impossible to ? (Mt. 7:9-11)
Part of in Christ is childlikeness – a humility that willingly embraces the Father’s absolute care and control. (Col. 1:28)
Rest comes as we sit in the .
As soon as we in faith say yes to be a follower of Jesus, we move from (chair 3) into a of the King of the universe (chair 1).
If we truly want to be anxious no more, we have to move in our minds and spirits from being an to being a .
Chair 2 (orphan)
Chair 1 (child)
The orphan heart (chair two): I do so I can have so I can .
The child’s heart (chair one): I therefore I have, and from what I have I do.
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