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Text: Exodus 2:11; 3:1-6 (p.450)

We are designed for and not just .

If we truly long for everything God has promised, is one of the most important words we can ever learn.

It is a simple word that says, “God, I’m ready to in what you’re doing in the world. I’m ready to live – not exist, live as you designed me to live.”

To figuratively take is to desire to live under the leadership, the control of God.

The enemy has deceived many people into believing our faith journey is about professing a certain set of beliefs, living a decent moral life, and church services on a regular basis.

And when we do that, eventually our faith journey, our life, becomes .

That’s not the Father’s heart for us. He designed us to make a .

Knowing our purpose starts with one word. Living that purpose is maintained by one word – a simple but life-changing prayer to the one true God. .

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