We are one church FAMILY that gathers in two locations. Our goal is not to simply attend church and play the "Christian" game...we want to know God, walk with Him and experience His life for real.

Our vision is summed up in these three phrases: 



We gather together to honor and glorify God. We want to live lives that honor and glorify God. That is the most important thing we can ever do! 


We count everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ (Phil 3:8). Anything in the way of us knowing God more deeply, & living in His life, has to go. Whether it is good, bad or somewhere in-between, we are called to lay everything down. 


We can't keep what God has done in us to ourselves. We want to see the people around us in our everyday life the way that God sees them so we can share His life with them!

Beltway Students Camp 2025

Save the Date 

June 19-22, 2025

Registration opens Monday, January 20 at 8:00am. 

Student Lead Team 

If you want to serve and encourage others in our Beltway Students family then the student lead team is for you! The student lead team is for 6-12th grades and meets weekly 30 minutes before middle school and high school services on Wednesday nights. Click here to fill out an application!

Apply Today

Hebrews 13:12-16 describes the Christian life we are seeking to live by God's grace and power!


  Youth Work Program  Student Lead Team

For more information or questions, please email

Student Schedule

Middle School 

 Wednesday Services

6:00pm-7:45pm | Both Campuses 

Sunday Services

9:00am-10:15am | South Campus

 9:15am-10:30am | North Campus  

High School 

 Wednesday Services

7:30pm-9:15pm | Both Campuses  


Daniel Beal
North Campus Students Pastor
Angie Hervey
Administrative Assistant - Students Ministry
Daniel Reinhardt
South Campus Students Pastor