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People love reclamation stories because they the story of humanity.

What word better summarizes the story of what God does than reclaim?

Sometimes before I I need to reclaim.

If all you hear when you’re trying to hear from God is , you’re not hearing God. You’re hearing the enemy who Revelation calls “the accuser of the brethren.”

God isn’t out to get us. He is a Father who desires to reclaim those who were lost that we might live in the He paid for us to have.

It’s possible to serve, sacrifice, and be steadfast and still have our hearts drift away from our for Jesus.

The only reason the Father would call us to reclaim is that we can increasingly have tastes of the now and the fullness of the fruit forever. (Rev. 22:1-5)

We can reclaim our with Jesus.

Reclaiming is often harder than enlarging because reclaiming is . (Jam. 4:6)




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