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What is more dangerous for our souls, or pornography? (Lk. 12:15; Mk. 10:24-25; 1 Tim. 6:10-11)

is the assumption that all I have is for my consumption.

When it comes to being rich (and every American is rich by world standards), we don’t .

We are to seek heavenly to handle money rightly. (Phil. 4:12-13)

Lose of me and lose your . (Mt. 25:14-19)

Most Americans, if we’re really honest, don’t know where our .

The foundational habit to finding financial peace is of where we spend our money.

It sounds so that we can dismiss it as .

Challenge: of your expenses for .

Then ask, “Am I spending money as it needs to be spent - the way wants me to spend it?”

I can the way God wants through Christ who gives me strength.

As rich people, it is imperative that we get our hearts and practices aligned with God so that we can be free - - so we can be trusted with true riches.

Take Financial Peace University the next time we offer it as a (or do it online at financialpeace.com).

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